Learn Complete Ethical Hacking Using Python:Beginner to Expert
What you will learn in this course:
- Python programming & Ethical Hacking
- Understand what is hacking, what is Programming,
- Design a testing lab to practice hacking & programming safely
- Understand & interact with different network layers in packets such as ARP, DNS, HTTP
- Downgrade HTTPS to HTTP
- Convert evil files into Trojans that work and function just like any other file type like an image or a PDF
- Write a program that can discover weaknesses in websites
- MAC Changer
- Programming a Network Scanner
- ARP Spoofer
- Packet Sniffer
- DNS Spoofer
- File Interceptor
- Code Injector
- Bypassing HTTPS
- ARP Spoof Detector
- Malware
- Keylogger
- Malware Backdoors
- Malware Packaging
- Web Application Hacking
- Website Hacking Writing a Crawler
- Program to Guess Login Information
- Vulnerability Scanner
Requirements :
- Basic IT knowledge
- No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.
- Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory
- Course content short overview:
- Programming topics:
- Using modules and libraries of python.
- Variables, types.
- Handling user input.
- Python Functions, Loops..
- Object oriented programming or more.
- Basics of network hacking / penetration testing.
- Changing MAC address & bypassing filtering.
- Network mapping.